Thank you for your interest in attending State of the Word 2024 in Tokyo

To request a ticket, please complete this form. We review applications in batches, and if your request is approved, we'll send you an invitation with a link to register on Eventbrite. Make sure to complete the Eventbrite registration to confirm your ticket.

While we can't accommodate everyone, we will notify you if we're unable to fulfill your request

State of the Word will take place in Tokyo at the Tokyo Node Hall at 6:00 p.m. JST. Please arrive between 5:15 and 5:45 p.m. to check in, mingle, and ensure a timely start. The keynote and Q&A will run until approximately 8:00 p.m. Please request a ticket only if you can attend the entire event in person

What is your name? *

What is your email address? *

What city and country do you currently live in? *

Company/Organization Name *

Relationship to WordPress and reason for attending: *